Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Here’s what you need to know

We take the security of the whole open-source web seriously and truly value the security community.

The disclosure of security vulnerabilities in open-source web application components allows developers and vendors to ensure the security and privacy of their users.


We require that all researchers:

• Make every effort to avoid privacy violations, degradation of user experience, disruption to production systems, and destruction of data during security testing;

• Use the unified vulnerability reporting form ( to report vulnerability information to us;

• Keep information about any vulnerabilities you’ve discovered confidential between yourself, Patchstack, and the vendor until it is disclosed to the Patchstack Vulnerability Database.


Third-party independent researchers or companies may submit vulnerabilities using the web form ( or by email:

• Patchstack validates all vulnerabilities once received in 72 hours.

• After validation, Patchstack will contact the software author/vendor to provide all information about the vulnerability so the software author can start the patching procedure.

• We will negotiate all details like the patch release date and disclosure date with the software developer to ensure that after the release of the patched version, significant numbers of software users update their software versions to the latest patched version.

• Patchstack will make public disclosures on the Patchstack Vulnerability Database (

• All disclosed vulnerabilities will have their database entry (separate entries for each vulnerability type when software has multiple vulnerabilities). We also provide additional information like CVSS 3.1 base score, OWASP TOP10 type, researcher name, contacts (if the author wishes), and more related information.

• If the software is abandoned, we will mark it as such. Abandoned software vulnerabilities may be disclosed even if no patched software version is available. Its developer is inaccessible by known contacts or ignores attempts to contact.

• Patchstack will try to contact the vendor via contacts provided on the product page. We will not create accounts for support forums or ticketing systems to report the vulnerability. The vendor is fully responsible for the ability of any user to contact him and report the issues related to his software. If there’s no way to report the vulnerability, we will report it to the management of the repository that hosts the vulnerable component.

• All vulnerabilities will be disclosed after 30 days from the first attempt to contact the vendor except if vendor is not responding (if vulnerable software author/vendor doesn’t respond to our notification about the vulnerability in 7 days we keep the right to disclose vulnerability immediately).

• Patchstack keeps the right to postpone some of the disclosures. Earlier disclosure is made if the same vulnerability was found by a third party during the 30 days period and information is made publicly available.

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