WordPress Customify Plugin <= 2.10.4 is vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

This software is likely abandoned and might not receive any further security fixes.

Patch priority: low
Resolve by 13 April, 2023 Low priority
Medium severity CVSS 3.1 score

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Fixed Update to fix

Update the WordPress Customify plugin to the latest available version (at least 2.10.5).

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Published by Patchstack

Mika discovered and reported this Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in WordPress Customify Plugin. This could allow a malicious actor to force higher privileged users to execute unwanted actions under their current authentication. This vulnerability has been fixed in version 2.10.5.

This vulnerability was reported to and published by Patchstack. Our users receive alerts and protections up to 48 hours in advance.

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