We are a passionate, global team on a mission to make open-source safer

We believe security tools should be accessible for all.

We seek to educate about the threats that affect the web

We are building a community for like-minded people.

Our full-remote virtual office on Mars is shared by

A (once) lifeguard turned guardian for open-source. He gets all excited by people (so tweet him up @oliversild or just apply already!). Oliver also enjoys tinkering and hacking hardware and is so far the only weirdo on our team who is a fan of salty liquorice.

Oliver Sild

Previously wanted to become a chef and completed an education related to this yet then thought it’d be a good idea to start a software company via Reddit instead. Dave is an expert on craft beer, anti-crypto and can nap any time anywhere, seemingly during chats with the designer.

Dave Jong

Seems to believe he is Luke and his father to be Darth Wader (not Vader)… He gets way too excited with the start of Formula 1 seasons and can fall asleep faster than Verstappen can pit, in roughly 1.2 seconds. Darius loves all things adrenaline and crazy and we love him!

Darius Sveikauskas

Our friendly security bot. Currently on forced leave by Mr. Musk.


Once ate a big mac meal, two extra big macs and an ice cream in one sitting. He gets way too excited about tiny details but also answering random surveys, the cosmos, new smells and organising stuff in productive ways to keep being lazy.

Andreas Roosson

Is publicly into snowboarding but secretly prefers fly fishing these days. He may get way too excited about the sound of press-fresh vinyls. Stevan believes there’s nothing he couldn’t eat (come dare him!) and has a garden full of homegrown fresh produce to prove it.

Stevan Aleksic

A moderately successful comic artist (see arcaderage.co). He considers himself a lucky bastard who likes to help others. Mart surprises us with a new band shirt every call and he just loves to nerd it out on random topics… except herring (a classic Estonian trauma).

Mart Virkus

The hottest guy in the world because he’s the god of all things sauna. He gets all too excited and hot when specifically listening to music on-board airplanes. He’s fun, he’s easy and he can put two notes in one hot whistle!

Sander Jürgens

Managed to become a huge techie without ever watching a single episode of Star Wars. An amazing feat! And when we say a huge techie, we mean a degree in Artifical Intelligence level of dark wizardry. No barrier is too difficult for Ibad to overcome… well except the taste of pudding apparently.

Ibad Rehman

Has a weak spot for deutsche qualität… e.g. Dyson product design and Patchstack. (Honestly now, don’t we all?) Edouard can stay calm and keep cool just like that poster. We’ve seen it in calls and cool he is indeed. In fact he too never watched Star Wars yet still blows us away (just like Dyson).

Edouard Lamoine

Our mastermind analyst. He moves with ease across the chess board of vulnerabilities and make no doubt, he will spot every single one. Legend has it he can stare at one repeater on Burp Suite for hours straight. (We couldn’t keep up to debunk nor confirm). Scoundrels, watch out!

Rafie Muhammad

Our good vibe correction officer with an alleged ESPN documentary for a backstory. Helis is all about seizing a moment and making it your best one yet. Shots, Shakira and dancing like in the 2000’s may be involved. Be aware, Helis has the inhuman resources to make anything happen.

Helis Hämarsalu

An A+ guy who seems to do it all – from baby football to creating dioramas – he has the true MacGyver skills to build a working carousel from leftover toothpicks and then turn it into a SaaS business, all while travelling the world. He really puts the A+ in our A-team.

Nestor Angulo de Ugarte

Meelika is a wild spirit into motorsports and even crazier – art. She once raised a whole colony of spiders and was herself bit by the “travel fever spider”. She’s awesome at uncomplicating finances to self-proclaimed entrepreneurs… which is a huge blessing to us all at Patchstack.

Meelika Burket

A mysterious and strange individual who can predict the future by analyzing the patterns in his breakfast cereal. As if that weren’t superpower enough, he can also instantly locate any missing socks with his “socksense” and bring relief to those in despair.

Kamil Smaś

A true cat lady living with 5 cats (totalling at 45 lives). She gets way too excited about scuba diving and sees herself potentially getting into deep sea welding – another testament to her craziness (if 5 cats weren’t enough). Tequila and crying spicy tacos – her words to live by.

Lana Rafaela Cindric

Find stargazing at celestial bodies relaxing? Get excited for quantum computing articles? Prefer to turn 0’s to 1’s with algorithms instead of a Citizen calculator? Rashmi is a remarkable specimen of organic intelligence with an equally huge heart and taste for adventure (as written by a fellow pineapple pizza advocate).

Rashmi Nagpal

A real energetic trickster this one. When most of us would play Counter-Strike for funzies, Ananda would do it to absolutely dominate. When you ask him for a meme, you get one custom. He also scored his first security bounties at a prodigious and humble age of just 13 and has been fighting the good fight ever since. Now that’s ambition!

Ananda Dhakal

Behind that Polish smile you’ll find the one-in-a million developer turned self-taught extrovert. Loves secure code, chic coffee and even has a devoted show for geeks alike. Maciek does his research to near-horrid depths and is a walking-biking knowledge-base of hot tips and cold sarcastic humor.

Maciek Palmowski

Blessed with no allergies, except for non-edible things like cats, Kürşat is our man with a elegant palette for seeking out the hardest of vulnerabilities and the softest of pastries. This makes him a true 7/24 (…yes 7/24) sugar-powered machine excited to get it on with those hardcore Meterpreter sessions.

Kürşat Çetin

An unusual SEO hero with previous experience in rockstarism. As for Daniels many talents, he has also unlocked the Lemon Alchemist achievement and can eat whole lemons without flinching. When not busy rocking our SEO and socks off, Daniel likes to enjoy mountain hiking and pickled food — oh boy, don’t we all 💚🥒!

Daniel Dzhenev

Christine has a sweet spot for sweet stuff — so much in fact she turns every ticket into a delightful experience. In real life she’s your new favourite support specialist but maybe don’t go up against her in Fortnite. Ever thrown a baby penguin off the cliff in Mario 64? Christine has. Probably many.

Christine Sharga

Cool guys have cool names. Chazz. Say it — smooth like butter, yum! The man also has an unexplainable tasty knack for silly trivia on ANYTHING. Seriously, be careful — you may find out about things. Like how to hunt for vulnerabilities. And ghosts. At the haunted hotel that inspired The Shining… 👻 Err, yikes?

Chazz Wolcott

An enigma of an engineer, Mario is like Bruce Wayne. He goes by unsuspected full-stack guy at Patchstack by day and Unreal game developer extraordinaire at night. He is a prawn-fearing “wanna go skydiving?” type of guy whose Tinder profile could leave nobody disinterested.

Mario Tarosso

Konstantinos, like many Greeks, has a seemingly auto-inherited degree in ancient history. But modern times demand modern skills, so the aspiring philologist traded in Homer for HTML and now speaks code instead. Myth says, he’s also a master of sarcasm and a connoisseur of Friends memes.

Konstantinos Andreadis

Who loves chatting with people and counting cash? Supermarket cashiers and Francesca. She’s also an avid knitter. When she’s not wrapping up her latest sweater or partnership, you’ll find her chatting around at conferences (duh). Honestly, if you have the enviable superpower of instantly falling asleep on a plane, why not?

Francesca Marano

AWS as in AWESOME! Bit unsure how anyone binges 700 episodes of One Piece, but this man did! 🏴‍☠️ To wind down, Ivan prefers relaxing bicycle trips through beautiful scenery on questionable roads… During which he wonders about the passing rocks. You see, Ivan would like to be a metallurgist. What a solid way to spend one’s days!

Ivan F

Got talent? Excited about cyber security? We are too and we’re hiring.

Can’t find an ideal position yet still curious? Send us your CV.

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